Corona-Virus COVID-19
Dear UNIMOG friends,
Dear sales representatives, Dear visitors,
due to the current situation, visits are unfortunately not longer possible.
The online shipment of goods continues with expected delays.
Please keep the appropriate distance and stay healthy!
Your mogworld team
UNIMOG - Spare parts and restorations for all series - Quality "Made in Germany"
UNIMOG beyond.
The UNIMOG is far more than a UNIversal MOtor Gerät.
The passion for function and technology of the UNIMOG are not only for us
a fascination, but a dogma.
The competence and professionalism of the mogworld Company begins with a detailed consultation and ends
according to experience ... actually never.
For UNIMOG enthusiasts, our company is a time-traveled journey through all UNIMOG epochs.
From the Böhringer (cornerstone / concept UNIMOG) to rare UNIMOG series in factory condition.
We are selling UNIMOG Spare parts | Vehicles | Restorations
Worldwide and we are repairing UNIMOG engines, axles, and gearboxes.
Our common goal:
Your UNIMOG is put into the state you want, contemporary original condition,
special conversion or partial restoration.
Talk to us, we are here to serve you.
Idea - concept - strategy - implementation - integrity.
Perfection can be planned.
Your mogworld-Team